Front Cover Page

Main images in the notes of book are an artist rielaboration of dream room image from Caren & the Tangled Tentacles game (original by Veto), Let's Invade! ingame (original by Richard) and Donkey Kong ingame (original by Veto).

Back Cover Page

This is a cover picture painting by an artist that take the most intense event of the Caren & the Tangled Tentacles game and another room too. You should look at this image while listening to Jammer's "Suspense" music!

Sintetic (preliminary) preview of Volume #1

Register your interest!

In order to be realized with the price you see into the cover of each volume, the book will be printed into 100 copies. If you are interesting to buy the book, please manifest this so we can increase the number of copies. This is not a preorder (you can change idea), but help us alot in organized all the stuff. Thanks

